TOTFA Membership ~ Donations

Membership in the Texas Old Time Fiddlers Association shall consist of two types: Musician (contest fiddler or contest accompanist both in-state and out-of-state) and Associate (parent, supporter, sponsor, etc.). All members shall receive a copy of the monthly newsletter.


A musician shall be a contest fiddler or contest accompanist who lives either in Texas or out of state.


An Associate Member shall be any parent, supporter, sponsor, etc. (non-contesting fiddler or accompanist) who desires to support TOTFA.

The payment of dues by a member automatically includes associate member status for all immediate family members, with the exception of married sons or daughters.


You can also make a difference and support the Texas Oldtime Fiddlers Association, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, in its mission to educate about and perpetuate fiddling as an art form and cultural treasure with a
tax-deductible gift.

Pay Membership Dues Online Via PayPal

Pay online now using PayPal to save $5.00 (and 2 stamps) on a 2-year membership!


Demographic Information

Please enter membership type (musician or associate), name, address, email, phone, birthday, and method of newsletter delivery (mail or email) in the box below.